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The website is available for users in Polish, Italian, French, Spanish and English to make the site convenient for a variety of different people to book rooms or browse the website. Global positioning satellite (GPS) co-ordinates for the Kyriad group of hotels are available for download on their website for different satellite navigation systems including GPX, CSV, Google Earth, GPS Medion, GPS Mio, Garmin and Tom Tom. Website visitors who are looking for even lower prices can view the “Special Offers” page to find out about current discounts and special offers such as seasonal discounts, early booking discounts and discounted rates for athletes.
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PR: 5
The website at details what is included in the room rates for the hotel. The rates include breakfast, complimentary tea and coffee available throughout the day, free wifi and even the use of a mobile phone for the duration of the stay. The hotel’s website lists food services available at the riad for additional fees including homemade dinners that are available on request, traditional Moroccan salads and desserts as well as Tagine or Couscous with the dessert and salad. The website includes links to the hotel’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Visitors who follow these social media pages can get more information about the hotel, its availability and specials that are currently running.
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PR: 3

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Heron Beck offers quality, 4 Star (with Gold Accolade), Grasmere bed and breakfast accommodation backing onto open fields with a profusion of wildlife coming into the garden.
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Relaxing Bed and Breakfast in Florence, Italy, with Podere le Cave a wonderful alternative to traditional Bed and Breakfast accommodations in Florence and Chianti area, in the heart of Tuscany
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Specializes in discount cruise vacations. We are here to help you in all your needs regarding discount cruise vacations We practice excellence in customer service and place your needs at the top of our customer.
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India Available Offer Budget Travel Packages.
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Majestic India Tours - Discover India in the new Millennium, tour to india, india tour, india tour packages, tour in india, tour packages for india, india travel, holiday tour to india, holidays in india, group tour packages.
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Australia's most accessible wilderness, starting less than 90 minutes by road or rail from Sydney. Here you will discover a tempting blend of nature and adventure as well as some of the finest accommodation, dining and shopping in regional Australia. Older by millions of years than the Grand Canyon, this is a landscape of sandstone escarpments, wooded valleys, hidden canyons and towering waterfalls.
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