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San Jose Wheel Repair Pros in San Jose CA offers the best wheel repair, wheel straightening, wheel refurbishment, wheel restoration and bent rim repair services in the bay area. We provide mobile wheel repair for cars and trucks at your location.
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PR: 0
We service and repair all major appliances including heating and air conditioning. We are installation and replacement specialists when it comes to your air conditioning and heating needs.
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Asset allocation investments – invest in your real estate property and purchase secured, distressed debt directly from auction provided by realtynotebid.com; the nation's leader in online real estate auction.
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PR: 3
Business Process Outsourcing company based in India providing offshore call center services to establishments worldwide. The portfolio of services comprise of Inbound and Outbound calling from far east, help desk, customer support, follow-up and collection calls, data entry, data indexing, data extraction, data conversion, running rebate campaigns, telemarketing, offshore lead generation. Expertserv has state of the art IT infrastructure and huge capacity for handling large BPO assignments at low cost from its call center in Delhi/NCR region in India.
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PR: 3
Business Advice from Smarta.com offering free video interviews, business plans and a forum to discuss business ideas.
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Small Business Bible gives information for small business startup companies and entrepreneurs. Find helpful resources about small business management, financing, marketing & technology.
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Total records: 16

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